Everything Egg Freezing
Everything Egg Freezing
How Much Should Egg Freezing Cost?

How Much Should Egg Freezing Cost?

Ep. 2 of the “Everything Egg Freezing” podcast

When you’re exploring egg freezing, the cost can be daunting. Fertility clinic price lists can leave you feeling uncertain what your final all-in spend will be, and what exactly is included or excluded from the quoted cost.

Valerie Landis is a women's health expert and multi-time egg freezer whose professional, personal and patient advocacy experience has given her both a bird’s eye view of the fertility clinic landscape across America and around the world, as well as insight into each of the individual line items that make up the egg freezing bill.

In this episode she talks to ELANZA's Brittany Hawkins about navigating the costs of each step of the egg freezing process - including test, medications, storage and insurance, as well as sharing some of her tips on making some savings along the way.

You can also watch the full, unabridged 45 minute video recording of Brittany and Valerie’s discussion here.

Valerie Landis is a leading voice advocating for egg freezing patients who has worked for over a decade in women's health and has done 3 egg freezing cycles, at various clinics. She is founder of eggsperience.com and host of the Eggology Club podcast, as well as an ELANZA Community moderator.

Everything Egg Freezing
Everything Egg Freezing
Hear influential experts and past patients share their insights, tips and stories about the world's fastest growing fertility treatment.
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